Automatically generate a flow diagram from any Google doc

Splotch team
November 14, 2024

Uncover the hidden "gold" in your documents—the logical flow that ties everything together

Whether you're writing for your boss, team, or clients, a clear flow helps guide your audience through your ideas. With Splotch you can turn any Google Doc into a perfect flow diagram in seconds. You can easily adjust the diagram, add new ideas, or refine the structure, and see the text update automatically as you make changes.

Let Splotch help you streamline your writing process by visualizing and enhancing the structure of your documents!

1. Go to Splotch (

2. Connect your Google account

3. Select any google doc and it will automatically find any processes described in the text, extract them and create a flowchart diagram.

4. You can edit the diagram manually or describe any changes you want and Splotch will make updates to the diagram.

5. You also get access to the text (from the google doc) that matches each part of the diagram to its source.

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